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  • Spiritual spray Islam: The struggle to emulate the Prophet Muhammadammad SAW, namely

    Wednesday, November 9, 2011

    :1. Firmness against the infidels, yaiitu peson or group of people who menuebarkan hatred to the believers, in outward form, such as disturbing, On Monday (9 / 3) coincides with the commemoration of the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad. As Muslims who obey Allah and His Messenger, Prophet Muhammad 's very necessary to be observed, in order to recall the struggles he and his companions are very unusual in enforcing Islamic religion.Many aspects and elaboration of the principles rahmatan lil alamin which can be imitated and practiced by Muslims in everyday life. One of them stated in verse 29 Surah: Al-Fath. "Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah and those who were with him, hard against the unbelievers, but berkasih saying among themselves, they were bowing and prostrating, seeking grace of Allah and His keridlaan, the signs of them appear on the face of the former mereta prostration '.In this verse there are five important points are exemplified by the Prophet Muh

    enghlangi, and measures to combat the Muslims. During the period of 10 years preaching in Medina, the Prophet Muhammad had to fight as much as 27 times since lahriah bullied. In batiiah disorders also appear in the form of thought and culture that alienate Muslims from the teachings of God.2. Mutual love with fellow Muslims. Establish close cooperation, foster kekohan ukhuwah, like the one body that harsmonis, unanimous in joy and pain of mutual help in the fund in virtue and piety.3. Bowing and prostration. Submissive and obedient through honest leadership in guiding the people, families, and in running the day-to-day life. Bowing and prostration during prayer is not only, but is reflected in social activities.4. keridlaan gift of God and seek Him in every motion and lagkah, in thinking, and acting. All the movements and steps can not be separated from the law of God and the guidance of the Prophet. Rule that if distanced from God keridlaan removed wherever possible.5. Show signs of prostration. Not only the black lines or dots on the forehead, but the steps and actions really shows the form of obedience and submission to Allah SWT.The momentum of the Prophet's Birthday commemoration at once can be used to perform interospeksi self, whether the five-point example of Prophet Muhammad sduah implemented or not. Have we firmly against those who obstruct the implementation of Islamic law sbagai rahmatan lil alamin? Participated against the passions, or even otherwise we easily persuaded by the call to reject the teachings of God?Moreover, if we are also able to maintain ukhuwah Islamiyah, or even otherwise rather hostile to fellow Muslims, with a variety of reasons? Do sampaoi us a bit more to hang out with the enemies of Islam? Criticized the excellence and glory of the Muslims in order to collapse and destroyed, often not intentionally done .. This should be a day of introspection on the Birth of the Prophet Muhammad.Of course jug questions directed to us, whether it has been bowing and prostrating with the rule of God in daily life. The extent to which our obedience to God's rules. Lest we are even more obedient to the rules of the group, or state officials who are not necessarily in line with the rules of God.Have we were able to show signs of prostrate us in everyday life. Salat prevent damage and munkar character and creed. Or even we were plunged into puddles kemaksatan, even though our prayers do well, and shown with Hitan spots on the forehead. Similarly, if the fast that we do also give effect to the kindness and generosity? Or even just bring us to ujub, riya, and arrogant? Similarly, the pilgrimage is done, have to change everyday behavior and lead to ketreguhan monotheism of Islam?Some of the above it is appropriate to be food for thought on the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad. Do not just do the ceremony with no meaning, so that what is done only limited to physical, without bringing a change in the pattern and think the act. Let's do introspection and affirming spirit to improve our faith and devotion to the teachings of Allah and the Prophet Muhammad.

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